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Monday, December 12, 2011

We Are Meant to be Courageous!

As we near the end of the book of Acts, we are immersed in the story of Paul's arrest, trials, shipwreck and imprisonment. In chapter 21, we read of his arrival in Jerusalem and subsequent visit to the temple. It is there that the Jews seize him and drag him from the temple and begin to beat him. Paul had been warned of this very thing by the prophet Agabus in Caesarea, so he understood what he was facing even before he arrived in Jerusalem. I am encouraged by the fact that even though he knew what was ahead for him, he still packed his bag, caught the next flight out of Caesarea and headed for Jerusalem. :-) We are given detail after detail about what Paul endured and overcame during these days and even years of his life. Paul was courageous!

Paul is outside the temple, being beaten to death when Roman officers and soldiers show up and save his life. (ch 21, vv 31-36) He is arrested and taken into custody and as they are leaving the scene of the beating, Paul asks the soldiers for permission to speak to the crowd that was just trying to kill him. Think about that.... he wants to talk to the very people that moments earlier were beating him to death. He is given permission and Paul tells them his conversion story. He takes the opportunity to tell them about Jesus. In the midst of a beating and being arrested, Paul is thinking about telling them the life-changing, life-giving story of the Savior. Paul was courageous!

While in custody in Jerusalem, the Jews plot to kill Paul (ch 23 vv 12-15). The plot is discovered and the Roman Centurion that is responsible for Paul transfers him to Caesarea. While in Caesarea, Paul is brought before Felix, Festus and Agrippa, administrators of the Roman government to be examined. In each case, Paul uses the opportunity to teach them about Jesus. King Agrippa puts it this way...“Do you think that in such a short time you can persuade me to be a Christian?” (ch 26, v 28) Paul understands that he serves a risen King; a King who has authority over all other kings and so he is not afraid or unwilling to speak up and tell them about Jesus. Paul was courageous!

Next, Paul is sent to Rome and placed under house arrest. What does he do? You know already! First thing Paul does is send for the Jewish leaders to teach them the gospel. Just like today, some accepted the message and some rejected it. Paul attributes the two different responses to the condition of the person’s heart. Some had honest, open hearts ready to receive the good news, while others hearts were closed. He quotes Isaiah the prophet...
"Go to this people and say, you will be ever hearing but never understanding;
 you will be ever seeing but never perceiving. For this people’s heart has become calloused;
 they hardly hear with their ears, and they have closed their eyes. Otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts and turn, and I would heal them." (Isaiah 6:9, 10)

And then the book closes with two simple verses that tell us a lot about Paul. He is under house arrest, guarded 24/7, yet his focus does not change, his purpose is still the same. "For two whole years Paul stayed there in his own rented house and welcomed all who came to see him. Boldly and without hindrance he preached the kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ." (ch 28, vv 30, 31) What do we take from Paul's arrest and prison time? What does God want you and me to learn from Paul's life experiences?  He wrote them down for us, so He must want us to go away with something of value.

Sure, we admire Paul and his commitment to his Lord and Master. We stand in awe of his ability to speak to those in power with power that comes from God. Those are good things. But God wants you and me to live our lives the same way Paul did. Paul is a great mentor for us. Whatever comes our way, we are to live faithfully, telling the story of Jesus. Someone mistreating you... tell them about Jesus. Standing before a king... tell him about Jesus. Sitting in jail unjustly... tell the guards and the other prisoners about Jesus. Sitting beside your coworker on your job... tell them about Jesus. Standing in line at Wal-Mart... tell them about Jesus. You get the idea... tell them all, in every situation you find yourself... introduce them to Him! You see just like Paul, we are meant to be courageous!

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