Many today will not accept God's will on such things, preferring to hold onto their own beliefs. Some will say that Paul's views are old fashion and that we must change as society changes. "For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear." (2 Timothy 4:3) Some things never change :-). God knows the end from the beginning (Isaiah 46:10), He already knew that people would want things their way. He is never surprised by how things turn out, the end of the book is written and He wrote it.
Having said all that, I really want to focus in on a few verses that deal with prayer. As you know, 2011 was our year to really develop the discipline of Bible reading and study. I commend each of you for your dedication to this effort. Many of you have said this has been the greatest year of Bible learning you have ever had. May God bless us as we continue to study His word daily. Now we must add the other discipline that we need for great growth in Christ. Prayer! Reading God's word is allowing Him to speak to us, praying is us talking to Him. One way communication is ok, but talking to each other makes the relationship real.
So, Paul tells Timothy..."I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people." (1 Timothy 2:1) Prayer is to be of first priority! Timothy is to teach the church to pray, first of all. This should be an indication to us that prayer is to be of major importance to the Christian. I am not an advocate of scripture paraphrases, but The Message does a pretty good job of communicating the thought behind the words...."The first thing I want you to do is pray. Pray every way you know how, for everyone you know." Pray now, pray later, pray on your knees, pray standing, pray with your eyes closed and with them open, pray for blessings, pray for yourself, pray for others. You get the idea.... pray, pray pray.
The four things to be included in our prayers are petitions, prayers, intercessions and thanksgiving. In other words, we are to ask God for what we need and want and what we desire for others. Then we are to tell Him thank you for what He has already done and what He is going to do. Of course we are to share our innermost feelings and thoughts, our hopes and dreams with our Father as well. What father doesn't want to hear everything that their child has to say? On any subject? Well, God is the perfect father, so just open up your heart and let it flow.
Jesus gives us the greatest example of the type of prayer life that we should seek to have. Even though He was God (John 1:1) and even though He and the Father were one (John 10:30), he still spent time in prayer. His need to communicate with His Father was constant. When times were hectic, He would find a quiet place to talk. When times were overwhelming, He would turn it over to His Father. And when He faced death, it was God that he sought through prayer. It was as though He needed time with God to recharge and get ready for more serving. "Yet the news about him spread all the more, so that crowds of people came to hear him and to be healed of their sicknesses. But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed." (John 5:15, 16) We can learn from his example; being busy serving is good, but our time with God must have its priority. If our Lord needed a time of refreshing with His Father, we certainly do as well.
As we begin 2012, I encourage each of you to make prayer a priority. We will be studying prayer in our LifeGroups and having lessons from the pulpit that will both educate and encourage us in this area of our spiritual lives. As the old hymn says...
Ere you left your room this morning,
did you think to pray?
In the name of Christ our Savior,
Did you sue for loving favor,
as a shield today?
O how praying rests the weary!
Prayer will change the night to day;
so when life seems dark and dreary,
don’t forget to pray.
Prayer will change the night to day;
so when life seems dark and dreary,
don’t forget to pray.
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