Romans Chapters 6-8 contain some pretty heady stuff. I read and reread these chapters and still don't feel I am picking up everything that Paul is putting down. :-) Chapter 6 gives the Christians in Rome (and us) a much deeper understanding of what baptism should mean. They had already been baptized and Paul is expanding their understanding of the importance of what God had accomplished through their obedience. Chapter 7 gives them more meat to chew on relative to the Law and the blessing we have in being freed from it. He uses the picture of marriage to give us a better view of our relationship to Christ. In Chapter 8, our relationship to the Spirit of God is revealed in a much larger way.
That is a lot to digest in a single setting, so split it up if you need to, but if not, dig in deeper. My focus in this blog entry will be on the verses identified as Romans 8:1-11. My personal study for 2012 will be focused on the Spirit and gaining a deeper understanding of God living in me. Maybe fear has held me back from this topic in the past, but through the encouragement of my brothers and sisters in Christ, I have begun the study and Lord willing, will press on.
Paul gives us the ultimate encouragement in first verse of Chapter 8. "Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus." No condemnation, not even a little bit! If I am in Christ, I live a life and face the judgment with no condemnation. That changes everything. The Law condemns; Christ satisfies the Law and removes the condemnation. (v 2-4) If we understand that we are freed from condemnation, we live out our lives filled with joy and thankfulness. We are no longer "dead men walking", living on death row. Rather, our release has been secured by someone who paid our debt in full. Joy and thankfulness.
Verses 5-11 contrasts those living by the Spirit and those living by their sinful nature. Paul tells us that if we live by the sinful nature, our minds are controlled by that nature which leads to death. But those that live by the Spirit have their minds controlled by the Spirit which leads to "life and peace." "The sinful mind is hostile to God. It does not submit to God’s law, nor can it do so. Those controlled by the sinful nature cannot please God. Those that live by the sinful nature cannot please God." (v 7,8)
"You, however, are controlled not by the sinful nature but by the Spirit, if the Spirit of God lives in you." (v 9) Paul tells us that Christians are to live by the Spirit because the Spirit lives in them. The "if" is very important here. We are not controlled by the sinful nature.... if.... the Spirit of God lives in us. Then he tells us that "if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Christ." So, the identifying mark of a Christian is that the Spirit of Christ, the Spirit of God lives in them. No Spirit, no Christian. Without the Spirit, you are not a true disciple of Jesus, you are not a Christian.
So, now you are asking "how do I know if the Spirit is living in me?". Great question! Important question! Really, the all important question! My next blog entry will explore this question, so check back. I will continue to study; you do the same. God bless.
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