(Today's reading - Deut. 4:44 - 8:20)
Our reading today covers Moses' second address to the nation of Israel. Moses knows that he is about to meet his maker and uses the opportunity to encourage the Israelites. He reminds them of their unique status as Gods' chosen people and their obligation to live according to the covenant that He had made with them. He tells them to teach their children about the history of the nation and to place the Law in their minds. They are reminded of the need to be faithful and the consequences of unfaithfulness. They are commanded to completely remove their enemies from the promised land and to dispose of all idols. Then they are told about how God will bless them as His faithful people.
In Deut. 8:6-10, the people are told about the wonderful life that awaits them and that they will lack nothing. He tells them, "when you have eaten and are satisfied, praise the LORD your God for the good land he has given you." That sounds really good. They will have towns, homes and vineyards that they did not build or plant. They would be protected from disease. They would be blessed more than any other people. Awesome! Right!
That leads us to the warning. Wait a minute, you say, let's stick to the blessings. What's this warning stuff? God knows us. He knows how we think and act, how are hearts change and how forgetful we are. Especially when everything is going good. He knew that these people would have trouble remembering Him when the refrigerators were full and the house was paid for. Sound familiar?
"Be careful that you do not forget the LORD your God, failing to observe his commands, his laws and his decrees that I am giving you this day. Otherwise, when you eat and are satisfied, when you build fine houses and settle down, and when your herds and flocks grow large and your silver and gold increase and all you have is multiplied, then your heart will become proud and you will forget the LORD your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery". (Deut 8: 11-14) God knows people! He made us and understands us better that we understand ourselves.
He knows that when we think we are without need, we will forget Him. Is that the way we are? Do we find ourselves on our knees one day and forgetting God the next? Financial crisis....God. Terminal illness....God. Pregnant wife....God. Sick child.....God. Successful business....self. Money in the bank....self. Winning touchdown pass....self. "Then your heart will become proud". We go from "come see what the LORD has done" to "look at what I did".
This week as we consider our lives, may we determine to not "forget the LORD our God". May we look around at what He has done and remember that it is Him and not us. As Teresa of Calcutta put it when asked about how it felt to win the Nobel Prize, "when Jesus was entering Jerusalem on the back of a donkey and the people were cheering and throwing down palm fronds, do you think the donkey thought it was for him?" I like that! Perspective....may we hold onto it with both hands!
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