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Thursday, May 16, 2013


I particularly like the movie "O Brother Where Art Thou". My wife and I constantly quote the fun lines and of course when I think of pomade, it will always be "Dapper Dan". When things get a little hectic... I always think of the boys in the barn and say "We're in a tight spot". I haven't a clue how George Clooney remembered his lines. The only downside to the movie is the occasional bad word.

Why talk about this in a blog about baptism... well, there is a scene where Delmar and the boys are in the woods and a group of people head "down in the river to pray". He wants his bad past to be done away with and get a new start, so he jumps in the water and the Preacher baptizes him. He comes up out of the water rejoicing and tells his friends to "come on in boys, the water is fine". He tells them that "all my sins are washed away". That is what Delmar says, but what about the Bible... what does the Bible say about baptism? That is what matters!

I believe it is correct to say that every "Christian denomination" has some form of baptism that it teaches and utilizes. Some sprinkle, some pour, some immerse, some immerse multiple times. Some "baptize" babies. Some "baptize" adults. Some baptize to add someone to their particular denomination. Some baptize to impart the gifts of the Holy Spirit. All see it as important, some see it a essential. But again, what does the Bible teach about baptism? That is all important!

Jesus gives His apostles the "great commission" in Matthew 28:18ff, Mark 16: 14-16 and Luke 24:45ff. In Matthew we read that they were to "go and make disciples, baptizing them...", in Mark they are told to go to all nations and preach the good news... "he who believes and baptized will be saved" and in Luke they are to told that "repentance and forgiveness of sins will be preached" to all nations. All three record the all import idea that people are to be taught the good news of Jesus, that God sent His only Son to pay the penalty for our sins. So, it is easily understood that every person that will be saved must understand the message of the cross and believe that message. But what about baptism?

In Acts 2, we get to sit on the sideline and watch Peter deliver the very first Christian sermon. It is Pentecost (the fiftieth day after the Passover and the celebration of first fruits) and Jews from every nation are gathered in Jerusalem. Peter tells them the good news of Jesus and those that believed it asked Peter what they were to do with the information. Peter responds with two actions they were to undertake... "Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit". That sounds remarkably like the commission that Jesus gave His apostles... doesn't it? We are told that "those who received his word were baptized, and there were added that day about three thousand souls".

Peter told those that believed the message that they were to change their lives, repent of their past and turn to walk a new life in Christ. He told them that they were to be immersed (meaning of the word baptize; there are other words in the Greek language that mean sprinkle or pour) for the forgiveness of their sins. Their sins had not yet been forgiven, but in baptism their sins would be forgiven. Additionally, he tells them that they would receive the Holy Spirit in the act of baptism. They had not yet received the Holy Spirit even though they had believed the message. When they were baptized, they were added to the saved. (not a denomination, they didn't exist... they were added to the one church that did exist)

All through the book of Acts, the message is the same. Teach the message of Jesus, repentance of sins and immersion for forgiveness and receive the Holy Spirit. Check it out. It doesn't take long to read the book of Acts, so read it... underline every instance of someone becoming a Christian and see if the pattern holds true. Only those old enough to be able to hear the message and respond to it were baptized.

Paul gives a personal account of his conversion to Christianity. He encounters Jesus on the road to Damascus. Many say that he was "saved" on that road... but what does he say? (Acts 22) He says that a man named Ananias came to him three days later with these words..."The God of our fathers appointed you to know his will, to see the Righteous One and to hear a voice from his mouth; for you will be a witness for him to everyone of what you have seen and heard. And now why do you wait? Rise and be baptized and wash away your sins, calling on his name." If Paul had been saved on the road, his sins would have already been forgiven, but he is told to be baptized and wash away his sins. This is the same message that Peter gave his hearers on the day of Pentecost. 

Delmar got it right! When he came up out of the water, he knew his sins had been done away with and that a new life awaited him. He could have been told to "pray Jesus into his heart". Peter could have told the crowd on Pentecost to "bow their heads and say a prayer with him", but he didn't. Jesus had given him very specific instructions and he delivered the message that he was told to deliver. Repent... and be baptized.... receive the Holy Spirit, that is the message that was delivered and the same message must be deliverd today. Any other message is man made. What will God do with all the different people that have responded to all the different teaching... I have no idea. He is just and will do right, that I know. But that doesn't relieve us of responding to the message that was preached on Pentecost and is still preached today... repent, be baptized for the remission of your sins, receive the Holy Spirit and live a new life.

I ask you to consider the message, read the Bible and make the decision to be immersed for the forgiveness of your sins. Be free of your guilt today! It is not my message, it is Jesus' words. The big question is what will you do with His invitation? If you are interested in learning more, I encourage you to contact me by responding to this blog or go to and sign up to begin learning what the Bible says about you and eternity. My prayers are with you as you consider your response.

Check out what Francis Chan has to say on the subject....

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