Is not your evil abundant? There is no end to your iniquities. For you have exacted pledges of your brothers for nothing and stripped the naked of their clothing. You have given no water to the weary to drink, and you have withheld bread from the hungry. The man with power possessed the land, and the favored man lived in it. You have sent widows away empty, and the arms of the fatherless were crushed. (Job 22:5-9)
When Job's friend begins to list Job's sins, he begins with a list that very much resembles the list given by Jesus in Matthew 25:41ff. We often get focused on the big sins, like murder, stealing, adultery, homosexuality... and on and on. I find it more than a little interesting that when it comes down to it, both Job and Matthew make sin about our daily lives and what we do towards others.
Is your evil abundant? You read that and think of the drug dealer or the cop killer. Nope... no water to the thirsty. No bread for the hungry. Widows without the things they need. Job seems to be telling us that the threshold for sin is very low. I see a person in need and have the ability to help and I don't... sin. He seems to telling us that inaction on our part is just as sinful as action. What we don't do matters!
In the Matthew listing, it seems that those who are confronted with this "sin" of inaction are caught off guard. "When did we not do these things?" Jesus tells them whenever they had the opportunity to help and didn't take advantage of it... they sinned. That is a standard that most of us have never lived by. Have I murdered someone? Nope. Have I robbed the convenience store? Nope. Have I slept with my neighbors spouse? Nope. Have I feed the hungry? Sometimes. Have I clothed the naked? Occasionally. Visited the sick? Now and then.
What's the point in all of this? God is calling His people to live differently. He is calling us to be the "light of the world". He expects us to fix what needs fixing as we has given the ability. He gives blessings and we are to use those to bless others. He provides for us and we provide for those that are hurting or are in need. In that way, His people glorify Him. We give food to the hungry and point to Him. We clothe the naked and tell them that it is all about God. Our actions for His glory.
We are to be world changers!! He placed us here with His purpose in mind. "Overcome evil with good", Paul tells the Romans in chapter 12. "Love your neighbor as yourself", Jesus tells the spiritual elite of His day in Matthew 22. Sometimes, we get the idea that to please God, we have to do something big. You know, save the world. Jesus breaks it down to much simpler terms. "Love your neighbor as yourself" and you will show others God and maybe, just maybe they will want to follow a God that cares for them.
Got water? Give it to those that thirst. Got clothing? Give it to those that are naked. Got a few minutes? Visit the sick or those in prison. It is in doing the little things that big things are accomplished. let me say that again, it is in doing the little things that big things are accomplished. A building isn't built in a day. It is the daily little efforts, dig the foundation, pour the footing, lay the block, place the floor joists... and on and on. Choose to do the little thing today and then the next little thing tomorrow and the next.
God will bless the effort. He will! Put Him to the test, you will not be disappointed. Point to Him in all you do. Glorify Him and you will see the building being built. Should I do a big thing? Sure, if the opportunity presents itself and God has given you the ability. But know that in doing the small things, He is pleased! In caring for others, we are caring for Him and His creation. Start small... but start! May God bless you in your doing of it.
Nice article. Keep up the good work!