Friends. Sometimes they are wonderful, other times... not so much. After the calamity, Job's friends show up and sit with him for seven days. Not a word is spoken. Sometimes just having a friend to sit with you is all that is needed. In those moments, words fix nothing. In those moments, a friend's shoulder and their presence gives great comfort. He has lost nearly everything, his wife is giving him bad advice and friends show up to sit with him. Seven days of silence.
Job finally opens up to them and lets his hurt out. That is needed. We need someone to listen when we are hurting and Job had his friends. His suffering spilled out onto them and they listened and gave him their attention. All that is so good. Then they couldn't help but speak. Not always good. Listening never harms anyone that is hurting, sometimes our words can. So..
Then they opened their mouths. Then they decided it was time to give Job their insight and wisdom. It went something like this... Job, you are a good man. You have taught others and given help to the helpless. You have comforted the hurting and strengthened the weak. But you are still a man and man was made for trouble. You are not perfect and God brings reproof to everyone. He punishes us when we deserve it. So, Job you must have done something to deserve this punishment that has come into your life.
No doubt, that made Job feel better about his situation! I know when bad stuff happens in my life, I need my friends to tell me that I deserve it. (I probably do) After such great comforting, they actually do offer some good advice... turn this over to God. He can handle it. "As for me, I would seek God, and to God would I commit my cause, who does great things and unsearchable, marvelous things without number". First part, God did this to you because of your own evil deeds... wrong! Second part, seek His help in your time of need... right!
Sometimes our view of God can get distorted by our own thoughts or the opinions of our friends. Our Theology can get messed up. We think when bad things happen, God is punishing us and when good things happen, He is rewarding us. That gets us into to trouble. The drug dealer with the big house and fancy car makes no sense when we have this concept. The suffering Christian who lives a righteous life begins to look like a hypocrite. This gets us into all kinds of trouble in our thinking of our Father in Heaven.
God is certainly the giver of blessings. He is certainly the rewarder of those who are faithful. The rub comes when we chose to interpret His actions through our human understanding. We are not God... He is! He sends rain on the just and the unjust. We get the idea that this life, our human life is the place all this occurs. He warns us to pile up our treasures in Heaven! He knows that in our physical lives, bad things are going to happen. Thieves break in, rust destroys... life happens.
Back to friends... God made us for community. He made us to need each other. We need friends and we need to be friends. We will give good advice and we will give bad advice. We will receive good advice and will receive bad advice. We are all just humans! Here's the thing... we need to have a right view of our Father and let that frame what we do and say in our relationships. He is good! But this earth is a sin-filled fallen place. He does bless! But good and bad will come our way. But in the end, He settles all scores. He gives the final judgment and does so in a perfect, fair way.
May we all go when we are needed. Listen to those that hurt when needed. Be with those that are suffering when needed. And, may we offer a right view of their situation framed by a loving God who will set things right eternally.
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