Therefore we must pay much closer attention to what we have heard, lest we drift away from it. For since the message declared by angels proved to be reliable, and every transgression or disobedience received a just retribution, how shall we escape if we neglect such a great salvation? It was declared at first by the Lord, and it was attested to us by those who heard. (Hebrews 2:1-3)
I am afraid that many will drift or have drifted away. He is talking to the saved here... those that have heard the words of salvation and have believed and obeyed! Yet, he says that if we forget what we heard, what we believed, if we drift away, we will not escape retribution. Sounds pretty ominous, doesn't it! The Hebrew writer gives us lots to chew on in these three short verses. Let's break it down into bites we can chew on...
Chapter 2 begins with a "therefore", so we have to look back to see what the writer is referencing. In Chapter 1, we are told of Jesus' supremacy and that God has now spoken to us by His Son. Prior to this, He sent prophets to speak for Him, but now... we hear directly from God in the form of the Son. So, Chapter 2 begins with the idea that the message from the Son needs our close attention. Makes sense to me. If people listened to the prophets of old, certainly the Son of God demands even more of our attention. He warns that inattention leads to drifting away.
I picture a boat tied to a dock. As long as the boat is securely tied by strong ropes... safety. But the minute the knots come loose or the rope breaks... danger. We have all seen the results of storms along the coast to boats that loose their anchor. They are piled on the shore, ruined by the waves. We are just like that! Without being securely tied to the message, we will drift away and find ourselves shipwrecked.
We are told that the message is reliable. The ropes are strong! The dock is secure! We can rely on what the Son has taught us. Jesus (God in the flesh) brought us this message of salvation and it was confirmed by signs and wonders and miracles. (verse 4) The Hebrews writer wants us to know (for sure) that the words are true and that we need to "pay much closer attention" to what we have heard from the Master.
The two Greek word that are translated "pay much closer attention" are redundantly overly emphasized (if that makes sense). My point is that when we read that expression, there should be no question about the intent. The writer is telling us that this message of salvation demands our total and complete focus. Proper translation would go something like this... more superabundantly pay attention to. You got that? It is as if our neglect of such an important message is illogical and that such neglect deserves severe punishment. This is serious business!!
May we give this message the attention that it demands. May we understand that if we walk away from the truth, we are like a boat without an anchor and that the only outcome will be shipwreck. The message is true. The message is confirmed. The ropes are strong and the dock is secure. Stay in the harbor!
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