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Monday, November 18, 2013

Hebrews 13 - Final Thougths

The writer of Hebrews closes his thoughts in chapter 13 with lots of encouragement for the disciple. God knows we need it! Life has a way of beating us down, even when we are in the body of Christ. Christians are not immune to the pitfalls of this life. We will be rude. We will mistreat our neighbors. We will not treat our mates as we ought. We will get enamored with the things of this world. We will malign those that lead us. And... we will forget that Jesus made everything we have possible. We will do that and much more.

So God sends us this message of encouragement to help us stay on the right path. I need it. Boy, do I need it! In our current Sunday morning Bible study, we have been discussing sanctification. Certainly we all know that God's work in us is an ongoing process. Yes, when we come out of the waters of baptism, we have been sanctified, that is "set apart". God views us differently. Our position has changed, but our nature is still the same. Our thoughts and actions don't suddenly change... miraculously. Thankfully, He sends His Spirit to dwell in us to help us change as we mature as His children. Through His word, His family and His work... we change.

Let brotherly love continue... There will be times when you don't love your brothers and sisters in Christ. They say things that hurt your feelings. They do things that get on your nerves... but, we are to keep on loving them. That love drives us to be people of hospitality. Our homes and our hearts are open. We will hurt with those that hurt. We feel the pain when our family is mistreated. No matter what is said or done... let love continue!

Let marriage be held in honor among all... Our personal conduct in relationships is to be honorable. We are to be faithful to our spouse. The things that pull us away, the stuff that others have that we want are to be seen as what they are... temporary and unimportant. Instead we are to live lives of contentment... in all areas! The reason we can do that... His promise, "I will never leave you nor forsake you". He is faithful to us. He will meet our needs. (see Matthew 6:33)

Remember your leaders, those who spoke to you the word of God... God calls on us to look to our church leaders, to examine their lives and to imitate their faith. That is a huge responsibility for the leader and a challenge for the follower. We are rebellious by nature. If left to our own desires, we will turn on those that lead us. They will make a decision that we don't like; they will say something that steps a little too hard on our toes. Whatever the reason, leaders are easy targets. God calls on us to be different. We are to give honor and respect to those that lead us in our churches. Are they perfect, not hardly. But they take on this role as servants to the church and we are called on to respect them and follow their examples.

Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over your souls, as those who will have to give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with groaning, for that would be of no advantage to you.  Leaders need followers. Shepherds need sheep. Sounds simple doesn't it, but I have found this to be challenging at times, both as a leader and a follower. God understands us and so He sends us this message to help us deal with our independent nature. Obey, submit... not words that we particularly like to hear, but this is what we are called on to do. Whether we like it or not, our church leaders have authority over the church and God calls on His people to submit to that authority.

Being an elder has been a joy for me. The support that I have received has been wonderful. I can't imagine leading a congregation that is rebellious. I am thankful for every kind word and the ready positive response that exists in the members of the body in Wilkesboro. This December marks my eighth year as a shepherd to the Wilkesboro church of Christ. I have failed in many ways to be the leader that you have needed. (you know that, I just wanted to be sure you knew that I know it as well) Just as I did after the first four years, I will ask that you reaffirm that you desire for me to have this authority over you. William and I will do this during the month of December as we did four years ago. Further details will follow.

Regardless of the outcome of this time of reexamination, I am thankful for the time you have allowed me to serve. Please know that I have been blessed by being your shepherd. May God bless us as we serve and follow Him... together.

Read the entire chapter... it is filled with great words that will lift your spirits and put you back on the path following Him all the closer.

Now may the God of peace who brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, the great shepherd of the sheep, by the blood of the eternal covenant,  equip you with everything good that you may do his will, working in us that which is pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen. (13: 20-21)

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