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Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Write Scripture?

(Today's reading - Deut 17-19; Mark 14:1-25)

When he takes the throne of his kingdom, he is to write for himself on a scroll a copy of this law, taken from that of the Levitical priests. It is to be with him, and he is to read it all the days of his life so that he may learn to revere the Lord his God and follow carefully all the words of this law and these decrees and not consider himself better than his fellow Israelites and turn from the law to the right or to the left. Then he and his descendants will reign a long time over his kingdom in Israel. (Deuteronomy 17:18-20)

When we started our annual Bible reading a few years ago, these verses jumped out at me the first time through and each year continue to be verses that call loudest to me. The Israelites are getting ready to take the Promised Land and God is giving them some final instructions. He tells them that when they get there and settle in, they will want a king. (not what He wants) He gives them very specific qualifications for who should sit on the throne. (read Deut 17:14-17) Then he gives the verses listed above. (vv.18-20)

The king is to personally write his own copy of Gods' law. Think about that... he is to take the time to carefully copy the law. Why? Why would God have the most powerful person in His kingdom take the time to hand copy the law of Moses? Surely he had more important things to do... I mean just look at our President and Congress. They are so busy doing that governing thing, they surely couldn't take time to personally learn about what God wants in a nation.

Not only was he to personally write his own copy of the law, he was to keep it with him at all times. It was to be an ever-present reminder of Gods' wisdom as he ruled over His people. Not only was he to carry it with him, he was to read it everyday. That is crazy! The king of Israel was to take time out of his busy king's schedule to read God's word everyday. What was God thinking? Why would God instruct His chosen leader to spend time in His word... everyday? Well... He tells us.

He gives us four reasons... First, he will learn to revere the Lord his God. By staying daily in His word, the king would understand who is and isn't God. (something a ruler needs to be reminded of, just check history) Secondly, by being constantly in His word, the king would know God's will and follow it. As I have heard it said many times, "ignorance of the law is no excuse"; the king was to know the law and put it into practice. Thirdly, by studying God's law, the king would be reminded that he was no better than those he ruled over. (wow, someone needs a dose of that today!) Lastly, being constant in study would prevent the king from losing his way. He would not turn to the right or the left, but stay firmly on the path.

So, what's my point? Am I ever going to be king of Israel? Hopefully not. But am I going to lead others on my job, in my home, in the community or in the church? And if I am to lead, then knowing God's decrees will be important. Spending time in His word will remind me who God is. Daily Bible study will enable me to know God's will for my life. Having His word written on my heart will keep me humble as I serve others. And lastly, God says that a steady diet of His instruction will keep my feet firmly planted on the path that leads home to Him.

Jon Smith (a good friend and minister of the Word) has been writing down God's word for years. He says that it gives him peace and helps him to focus on His word. I think he is on his second writing as I type this blog. I commend him for his effort. Am I telling you to start writing... well if that is your desire, sharpen those pencils and get started. But at the very least, open His word daily. Write down the things that really grab you that day. Jot down some thoughts about God and what the scripture that day reveals about Him. Talk about the blessings that He has placed in your life. Engage God in His word and let it work in you. Hey, if it worked in kings, it can work in you. May He bless you as you study and learn about Him and His desire for your life.

Love God, Love People,

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