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Monday, January 14, 2013

Weary and Burdened

(Today's reading - Gen 33-35; Matt 11)

It would seem that everyone is tired. Maybe it is the result of the Holiday Season or maybe our lives are just too full of things that wear us out. We think that our lives are different than those we read about in the Bible, and for sure they are in some ways. They certainly had it more difficult than we do. Our modern conveniences were supposed to make us a society of leisure, but the opposite seems to have happened.

We are a people that are weary and burdened. The very things that were to make our lives simpler have in fact made us busier. Reading a good book is a thing of the past for most people. Taking a stroll in the park is a luxury that most never partake of. Going fishing with dad is something that we see Andy and Opie do, but we can never find the time. Does that sound like your life? We are a busy people and we are tired and we feel burdened.

Life here will never be perfect. If we allow it, our lives will always be pulled in many directions and we will always get our priorities mixed up and put work ahead of family time. We are driven by the desire to succeed and have the best things in this life. We want more and when we have more, we want even more. That is enough to wear anyone out. But, and thankfully there is a but, Jesus calls us to a better way of life.

In Matthew 11: 28-30, Jesus makes us an offer...

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

Who doesn't like rest? Jesus calls us to come to him and he will give us rest. His people should look different than the weary and burdened world. His people should be rested and ready! When we come to Him, our world view changes; our priorities are rearranged. Getting that promotion, buying that new car, building that bigger house... all the things that wear people out are less important. He says learn of Him; see how He lived, see what He did and live like that. He tells us that following Him will bring rest to our souls.

He lived for others. He gave His life for others. He found time to pray. He found time to worship. He found time to train others to live like Him. He poured Himself into the lives of those that chose to follow Him. That is to be our burden, our yoke. We are to love others and give ourselves in service to them. He tells us that when we do that, our souls find rest. We find satisfaction and our lives count for something. And... He gives us rest. The endless pursuit of stuff ends. The focus on ourselves melts into a focus on others. Our world is turned right-side-up!

Take a few minutes right now and look at your life. Are you truly following Him? Does your life look like His? Or, are you on the treadmill of life, chasing that "American Dream". Jesus says, "step off that treadmill, and begin to walk in My steps, and you will find rest, yes even rest for your souls". Two thousand years later, we are still in need of His rest. Weary and Burdened? Come to Jesus.

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