(Today's reading - Exodus 4-6; Matthew 16)
Then Jesus said to his disciples, “If anyone would come after
me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.
For whoever wants to
save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life
for me will find it.
What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole
world, yet forfeits his soul? Or what can a man give in exchange for his
soul? (Matt 16:24-26)
Following Jesus is expensive. Most people don't believe that, they were "saved" cheaply and they "live" cheaply. Most are told that God sent His Son, that He died on a cross and we need to pray Him into our hearts. That is the "drive by" gospel that many have accepted. A person sitting on the beach can hear the gospel and pray a prayer and be "saved" in a matter of minutes and then be left to fend for themselves. Someone makes a mark on a sheet of paper and another person is counted among the "saved". That is the cheap truth about the cheap gospel that is cheaply preached in our society.
The Bible doesn't teach anything even remotely similar to that. When Jesus is asked what it costs a person to follow Him, He gives a very clear response... "everything". After teaching someone the complete good news of Jesus, I count the costs with them. I want them to know that Jesus demands everything.
In Matthew 16, Jesus looks us in the eye and delivers difficult truths that must be understood if we are to follow Him. He tells us that if we are to follow Him, then three things must occur. 1. Deny self - if we are to follow Him, it is no longer about us. Our lives are no longer focused on us. Self is denied and Jesus has taken the throne of our lives. 2. Take up our cross - there is lots of debate about what this means. Some say that it means we must be willing to die for our faith. Others say that it is about suffering and others say it is symbolic of the putting to death of ourselves. And I say...ok, all of the above works for me. And 3. Follow Him - do what He did, go where He went and say what He said, in other words, we are to be like Him. That sums up the demands that He places on those that would choose to follow Him.
Next, He reasons with us about why it is worth it, why living a life of self-denial is worth considering. He tells us that if we try to save our lives, in other words live for ourselves, we will lose our lives. Happiness and satisfaction is not found in self-gratification. But, if we will live for Him, lose our lives, then we will find it. True living is found in the giving of ourselves, giving our lives in service to Him. He calls on us to understand the value of the eternal part of ourselves. Having everything this world has to offer is a poor substitute for having a fulfilling life as His follower. Additionally, Jesus wants us to consider what we would trade in this world for a life eternally with Him in Heaven. What is that worth?
Don't be fooled by the cheap gospel that makes no demands on you and offers Heaven with no cost to you. That is not what is found in God's word. That is not what Jesus told His disciples. He says it costs us everything, but in return we get everything. I like the way Paul puts in 2 Cor 4:17, "For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that
far outweighs them all." Whatever we face "here and now" is nothing compared to what God has planned for us "there and then". Is it worth it"? You bet it is! Paul says it "far outweighs them all". It's not even close.
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