Psalm 119 is a great read. It is clearly a Psalm of love for God's Words. Whether it is His law, His statutes, His precepts, His commands, His decrees, His word or His promises, the Psalmist's love for God's revelation to man is on display. It is heavy lifting, just it's length alone makes it difficult to read and internalize the thoughts conveyed. Psalm 119 is the longest chapter in the Bible with 176 verses. But beyond the length, the Psalm is filled with tremendous depth of thought. This isn't a continental breakfast, this is sausage, eggs and biscuits for sure.
While the writer of the Psalm isn't identified in the Psalm itself, many scholars attribute it to King David because of it's style and use of particular phrases. I tend to agree with them. David was certainly a lover of God and His word.
It would be impossible to give even a general thought on the entire text in a short blog, so I will focus on a short section, a section that struck a cord with me.....
Your statutes are wonderful;
therefore I obey them.
The unfolding of your words gives light;
it gives understanding to the simple.
I open my mouth and pant,
longing for your commands.
Turn to me and have mercy on me,
as you always do to those who love your name.
Direct my footsteps according to your word;
let no sin rule over me.
Redeem me from human oppression,
that I may obey your precepts.
Make your face shine on your servant
and teach me your decrees.
Streams of tears flow from my eyes,
for your law is not obeyed.
This short section is know as Pe, as the entire Psalm is an acrostic poem with each verse of each stanza beginning with the same letter of the Hebrew alphabet. There are 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet, so there are 22 sections to the Psalm.
Obedience to God's word is not a burden! When we understand that God's "statues" are really about us and what is best for us, they become wonderful and obedience is a natural response. Who doesn't want to follow directions that lead to happiness and a fulfilled life? If our view of His word is rules and regulations that limit what we can and can't do, we miss the point. Next time you are sitting at a signal light, waiting for it to turn green so you can turn right, think about this. By understanding the law, you know you can turn right on red and not sit there and wait. Knowing God's law actually frees us to move within His will instead of sitting and waiting for the light to change. "You shall know the truth and the truth will set you free". (John 8:32)
As we learn His word, His truth, our lives are illuminated. As I read "unfolding of your words", I imagine a light hidden under many layers of fabric and as each layer is removed, the light becomes brighter, until it's full radiance is revealed. That is God's word. As I study, more and more is revealed to me and my understanding is broadened. This process is ongoing and will never be completed.
David tells us that he opens his mouth and pants for God's commands. I like that! Would to God that each of us could have this attitude about His word. This conveys a hunger, a longing for His truth. A hunger that can only be satisfied by spending time with Him. When I was dating Michelle, I could not wait until I could be with her again. (I still feel that way) My calendar was open and I had her penned in for dates as often as her parents would allow. May we grow to need time with God each day and have a hunger in our souls for His word.
Sin is always just a breath away. Our next words, our actions, our thoughts, whatever we struggle with, God's word is the answer to the question. The solution to the problem. "Direct my footsteps according to you word; let no sin rule over me". How many times have I felt that a sin ruled over me? On my own, I have tried to defeat a particular sin, only to be defeated by it. If we "walk in the Word", our footsteps will be guided by God. The trail will be illuminated and we can see clearly where to take the next step. Imagine for a moment climbing Stone Mountain in the dark. Not interested, how about you? I am sure it would be a difficult hike with many stumbles and potentially life ending falls. Thanks be to God that HE does not leave us with a dangerous, darkened pathway that leads to destruction. Rather, He sent His son to blaze the trail and make our way straight.
King David close this section of the Psalm with his emotional plea for everyone to follow God's laws. "Streams of tears flow from my eyes, for your law is not obeyed". He is heartbroken that people choose to disobey God. Does it bother you and me that people ignore God's commands. "Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven". Do we really mean that when we pray it? Is it in our hearts that His will is the right, best hope for the world? May we be brought to tears as we think about a world of lost souls that need to know God. May we determine to make His will know to every person on earth and bring each life under His authority.
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