(1 Kings 5-7)
King David "rested with his fathers and was buried in the City of David". Before he passed, David handed the kingdom to his son, Solomon. "So Solomon sat on the throne of the LORD as king in the place of his father David". Solomon quickly consolidated power, removing anyone that would present a threat to his rule. God offers him anything he would ask for and he chose wisdom. Solomon's rule begins.
He immediately determines to begin the construction of the Temple that his father had instructed him to build. The plans were complete, the funds were in place and a contractor had been selected. The crew numbered 153,600 and the construction schedule was seven years. This would be the most glorious structure ever built and would symbolize the relationship between God and Israel.
The details that are given allow us to understand both the value of the materials and the care that was utilized in the construction. Only the finest would do for the residence of the God of the universe. No seconds were allowed. The stones were meticulously cut at the quarry and no "hammer, chisel or any other iron tool was heard at the temple site while it was being built". Perfection was Solomon's goal in the building of God's house.
Today, I see magnificent buildings that people call churches. I am afraid that we carry some Old Testament ideas in these New Testament times. For many, God still dwells in buildings made with human hands. We construct magnificent, costly buildings that we think God will live in. Not so!
Under Christ's law, the temple is no longer a building. "Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in your midst?" (1 Cor 3:16) We, Christians are now the temple. The perfection that Solomon sought in the building for God to dwell in is now transferred to us. Through Christ, we as perfect stones are built into a temple suitable for God to live in. "In him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord." (Eph 2:21)
You and I are now the temple. God lives in us. If a building built by human hands was suitable for God, how much more the creation of God. We are made in His image, we are "His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works". (Eph 2:10) Our perfection is not our own, rather we stand perfect through our Savior. "For by one sacrifice he has made perfect forever those who are being made holy." (Hebrews 10: 14, but read the entire chapter) We are being made holy through Christ and our perfection is found in Him. Without Christ's perfection being given to us, God could not, would not live within us as sinners. But because of the His perfect gift, we become acceptable. I love that!
The church, you and me, not the building is God's dwelling place, His Holy Temple. Solomon spent seven years building the very best building he could construct for God's earthly dwelling among men. Jesus spent six hours on a cross, three days in the tomb and was resurrected so that we could, through obedience be the perfect place for God to dwell among man.
Upon completion, the temple became a place of daily worship of God. We are called to no less. Sunday worship, sure. Wednesday night prayer meetings, absolutely! But God is after a daily worship, a life that is devoted to Him, everyday. Take a moment to read Romans 12, verse 1. Living sacrifices, holy and acceptable, our true and proper worship! If you are a ditch digger, be God's ditch digger. If you are a waitress, be a waitress that is serving people for God. If you are a teacher, a plumber, an electrician, a lawyer, a doctor, a hotel manager or an engineer, do it for His glory. (Col 3:17)
You are the perfectly designed, beautifully constructed, gloriously furnished residence of the God of all creation. If that doesn't make you sit up straight, nothing will. :-)
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