Soon afterward he went on through
cities and villages, proclaiming and bringing
the good news of the kingdom of God. And the twelve were with him, and also some
women who had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities: Mary,
called Magdalene, from
whom seven demons had gone out, and Joanna,
the wife of Chuza, Herod's household manager, and Susanna, and many others, who
provided for them out of their means. (Luke 8: 1-3)
Luke tells us something in this mornings reading that might disturb some folks. We are told that in addition to "the twelve", Jesus was accompanied by women as he traveled proclaiming the good news of the kingdom of God. The indication is that these women had been healed by Jesus in some way. Some had evil spirits removed and others had illnesses healed. Whatever the problem had been, Jesus had fixed it and the women were now with Him and his apostles. Interesting, isn't it, Jesus and the twelve and a group of women traveling from town to town to tell the good news of the kingdom of God.
For sure, I have read this before and quickly passed over it with little thought. What of their homes and husbands? Joanna is said to be "the wife of Chuza, Herod's household manager". Sometimes, I wish for more details... this is one of those times. How did this group function? It doesn't appear that having these women along for the ride caused any issues. We aren't told that the men resisted their company. When Jesus didn't want someone to tag along with Him, He told them to hit the road. Strange stuff.
What little we are told is this... they were "with Him". Whatever that entails, they were "with Jesus". Three names are given, Mary, called Magdalene, Joanna and Susanna. And, we are told that in addition to these three there are "many others". What were they doing? I don't know. Did they look after the food for the group? I don't know. Did they do laundry for the group? I don't know. Did having women in the group make it easier for the group to go into a town and be accepted as they brought the message? I don't know. Did they teach the women in the villages they visited? I don't know. We are told that they were with Him!
In the absence of details, we are told one thing that they did do. These women, the three and many others, provided for the twelve and Jesus out of their means. I have to admit here that I am struggling with this information. The women were supporting the men. These women, who evidently had financial resources, were providing funding for the ministry of Jesus. We know that He could have provided everything that they needed himself, he had done it. But in this case, He let these women give of themselves, their money to keep the gospel message going. I love that! Male or female, Jesus wants us committed. He wants us to give, to invest in the spreading of the good news.
I fully understand that Paul gives us teaching on women and their roles in the church. I respect that. But, I also see that our Lord allowed women to be a key part in His ministry. He invited them to come along and He allowed them to provide support for Him. What else did they do? I don't know. But one thing is for sure... they didn't take a back seat on the gospel bus; they paid the fare! What's the message? For me, Jesus is letting us know that there is a seat for everyone and that everyone is invited to participate in taking the life-changing message of a risen Savior to the world. Ladies, get on board... Jesus is glad to have you on His team. You are not just cheerleaders, get on the field and make some plays!
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