(Today's reading - Numbers 18-20; Mark 6:33-56)
Our OT reading is filled with rebellion and death. We see God demonstrating that Moses is His man and that rebellion against His leader is rebellion against Him. He deals very harshly with those that cause division among His people. Maybe there are lessons to be learned by us today about rebellion against Him and the consequences of our actions. These were His chosen people that He put to death. This puts me in mind of the New Testament scripture.... For the time has come for judgment to begin with the household of
God; and if it begins with us, what will be the end of those who do not
obey the gospel of God? (1 Peter 4:17) He will judge His people... He always has.
Our New Testament reading is a continuation of a normal "day in the life of Christ". Everywhere He goes, people are crowding around to touch Him and to be touched by Him. He teaches and heals and raises from the dead... day in and day out. He occasionally finds a place of peace and recharges by spending time with His Father. In Mark 6, this has been just such a day and He and His disciples seek a few minutes of refuge. They cross the lake to find a quiet spot. But, the people have something else in mind.
When they arrive on the other side of the lake, the crowds are there to greet them. Tired, hungry, wanting some time alone, Jesus looks at the crowd and he had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd. And
he began to teach them many things. (vs 34) I am thankful for a Savior like that. I am not like that! When I am tired, when my day is done... I am selfish and I want dinner and some rest. Jesus is not like me! Thankfully. He is compassionate... even when He is tired, even when He has worked all day meeting the needs of others... He is compassionate.
He teaches until dinner time and His twelve disciples want to send the people away. Jesus will have none of that. Instead, He asks them what is in their lunchboxes. They respond that they have 5 loaves of bread and two fish. He says, "that is enough". What they had was all He needed. He takes the loaves and fish and feeds the 5000 that are there and then picks up the remains and fills twelve baskets. Of course this is a great miracle. Of course it proves that Jesus is God... no one else could or can do this. Of course we are to understand that Jesus is always ready to meet the needs of those who follow Him. All of that is true. But what about us, is there a lesson in there about us?
The disciples gave Him what they had. As limited as it was, they gave all they had. And after they gave all they had, they depended on Him to provide the rest. Would the story have a different ending if they tried to feed this crowd on their own? Of course it would. Did they have the ability to feed everyone with the little food they had? Of course not. So what can we learn from their lunchbox? Well...
No matter how little you bring to table for Jesus to use... it is enough. As long as it is all you have, it is enough. As Paul told the church in Corinth, For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,”
made his light shine in our hearts
to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of
But we have this treasure in jars of clay
to show that this all-surpassing power is from God
and not from us. We are hard pressed on every side,
but not crushed; perplexed,
but not in despair. (ch4, vss 6-8) We are all just "jars of clay", but that is enough for God to work with.
You say, "I don't know enough Bible to talk to others". Wrong, you know enough to tell others what you do know and you know how to ask for help from those that know more. You say, "I am too busy to help others in need". Wrong, you have exactly the same amount of time that everyone else has! Whatever the excuse is, God can remove it, if we will let Him. So what if you are a two fish person, God can use that! So what if you are a one loaf person, God knows how to use what you have for His glory. We just have to be available and willing... He will do the rest.
Open up your lunchbox and see what God will do with what you have. People are hungry. They are tired and need some dinner. What will you do with what you have? Make excuses or hand things over to the Master? He is compassionate and wants everyone to hear the soul satisfying message of His salvation. As our friend Si on Duck Dynasty would say, "Hey Jack, folks are hungry and you have the food. Let's eat!" Share what you have; you will be amazed at what He can do through you! May He bless you as you serve at His table.
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