I woke up this morning in a full turkey stooper. I admit it, I ate too much of the big bird. My wife knows how to fix a turkey... and I know how to eat it. As is the custom, we had some 35 friends and family over to our house for an evening of food and fellowship. Neither disappointed. But now it is the day after and I am recovering from having to say goodbye to a daughter that lives too far away and a food hangover.
But what am I thinking about today? Yesterday it was easy, all day long we talked about what we have to be thankful for. We were focused and we said all the right things, prayed all the right prayers... but what about today, the day after? How easy it is to get busy and forget what yesterday was all about. Black Friday calls us to the stores and the leftovers are needing to be eaten. But will I, will you live the day in the same attitude of gratitude as we had yesterday? Will we stop to think about our blessings the day after Thanksgiving?
So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. (Col 2:6,7)
Paul gives us a little instruction that gives us insight into how we can always live as a grateful people. He reminds us that we received Jesus... no matter how our days are going, just knowing that we have a relationship with the Creator of the universe should give us reason to rejoice. He says we are "rooted and built up in him". Our beginning and our end is found in our Savior. We are able to stand firm against the day because our foundation is firm. Our strength comes from the Lord, so we are to "overflow with thankfulness"!
Not just one day each year. Not on really good days. Not when life deals us a great hand. Every day! Every day we are overflowing with thankfulness. Every day! Flat tire... thankfulness. Dead battery... thankfulness. Tough day at the office... thankfulness. Difficult day at home with the kids... thankfulness. Our worst day is better than a lost person's best day. Think about it... even when things go terribly wrong, we are still children of the King. How bad can it be when we know that God is our father?
Acappella puts it like this in their song "Begins"...
Your life begins with God
Your love begins with God
Your hopes and your dreams
And your plans begin with God
When we fully understand that concept, we will live as a grateful people. When everything begins with Him, the end of everything is Him. If we have that knowledge, how can we not overflow with thankfulness? May each of us determine to live everyday like we lived yesterday. May each day be Thanksgiving and may we determine to give what we have to those that don't have it. It is the only way they will ever truly be thankful. God bless you in the doing of it.
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