Sometimes we need a good talking to and then sometimes it takes more than that. When I was a youngster, I needed some discipline occasionally. My dad could give me the look, and I would change my actions. If I didn't change my actions, he would give me the voice, and I would stop what I was doing. If I didn't stop what I was doing, then I would experience the belt. The belt never failed to make the change. I know in some circumstances, children have to be sent away because nothing the parent does changes destructive behaviors. I can't imagine the heartbreak associated with watching your child go away.
Parents that love their children, the ones that take the responsibility seriously, know that discipline is a necessary part of parenting. It is never easy and it is never enjoyable. God is that way. He loves all His children. He wants the best for each of us. But when we "leave the farm", He lovingly disciplines and hopes that we learn our lessons and come home. In our reading today, we learn that the children of Israel have been so rebellious that God has sent them away... into exile and captivity. The nation that God is using to exercise His punishment is Babylonia.
In Jeremiah 50, God sends a message to His people letting them know that their discipline will not last forever. He tells them that Babylon will be captured and punished. For the children of Israel, this must have been news that they longed to hear. They had learned their lesson and they would never again worship idols. The God of their fathers would be the only God they would serve. Jeremiah puts it like this...
In those days and in that time, declares the Lord, the people of Israel and the people of Judah shall come together, weeping as they come, and they shall seek the Lord their God. They shall ask the way to Zion, with faces turned toward it, saying, ‘Come, let us join ourselves to the Lord in an everlasting covenant that will never be forgotten.’
God says that when Babylonia is overthrown, His people will turn back to Him. They will, with tear filled eyes, seek the LORD their God. They will want to go home! They will seek God and be obedient to His will and join themselves to Him in an everlasting covenant. Lesson learned. The belt can be put away! The exile has accomplished the desired change and the child is coming home. Restoration is at hand.
Today, multiplied millions live in exile from the LORD. Their sin has separated them from the Father. They don't share in the beautiful life that the kingdom offers. They are living under the rule of an evil king. And just like when His people were living in exile and he sent a savior from the north to rescue His people, He has sent a Savior to rescue those in exile. (Gal 1:3-5) He sent His Son to free those living in captivity (Eph 4: 8). God loves every person! (John 3:16) He sent His son to die for every person. He doesn't want anyone to remain in exile. He wants everyone to come home. (Matthew 18:14; 2 Peter 3:9)
God loves you. He wants you to come out of exile and enjoy a restored relationship with Him. He paid the price for that restoration, all we have to do is recognize where we are and turn to Him. If you are not His, you are living in exile. He calls us to see our sinfulness and change our direction (repentance) and to be immersed in baptism for the forgiveness of sins. (Acts 2:38, Acts 22:16) He adds you to His body, His kingdom (Acts 2:47) and calls you to a faithful life (Revelation 2:10). The choice is ours, the battle has been won, we are free to go home. What will you do with His invitation?
“I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star.” The Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let him who hears say, “Come!” Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life. (Revelation 22:16-18)
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