(Acts 15-17)
Paul decides to return to the churches that had been established during his first mission trip to check on their progress. He and Barnabus had a dispute about taking John Mark with them and they separate. They separate as brothers and both go to do God's work in different places. We meet Timothy, a disciple from Derbe who figures large in Paul’s life from this point forward.
We read of the churches being strengthened as Paul, Silas and Timothy visit and bring additional teaching and understanding. As they travel, we are introduced to new converts to Jesus and new churches are established as they go from city to city. Of course, at this time there was only one church with one message, so if we look at what they did and what they believed, we will get the truth of the matter.
Jews are going to the churches that Paul had established, stirring up trouble, telling them that Paul is not an apostle and that they must continue to live under the Law of Moses. Paul deals with this charge and makes it plain that those that live under the covenant of Jesus are no longer under the old law. (Read his letter to the church in Galatia)
We get to meet "Lydia, a dealer in purple cloth from the city of Thyatira". (Acts 16:14) She is a worshipper of God and listens to Paul teach about Jesus. We are told that "the Lord opened her heart to respond to Paul's message" and that "she and the members of her household were baptized." (v 15) What a blessing for us to see people becoming Christians and know that if we do what they did, we become Christians just the same. We can become part of God's story just like Lydia did.
Next we meet a slave girl possessed by a spirit. She follows Paul and his companions as they teach, yelling that "These men are servants of the Most High God, who are telling you the way to be saved" (v 17). Without a doubt, this became annoying to Paul and he cast out the spirit from her. This angered the men that had been using her for profit and they had Paul and Silas arrested. They are taken and "severely flogged" and "thrown into prison"(v 23). They are taken to an inner cell and their feet are placed in stocks.
I don't know about you, but for me this would be a low point in my life.... arrested, beaten, severely flogged and in prison in stocks. But Paul finds this to be a time for worshipping God. We find him and Silas praying and singing at midnight. The other prisoners are listening to them... I wonder what they were thinking. Something truly amazing comes out of this situation... the prison is shaken and the doors fly open. The jailor wakes up to find the doors open and thinks that he has lost his prisoners. He prepares to kill himself, but Paul speaks up and saves his life.
Paul "speaks the word of the Lord" to him and his household and just like Lydia... "Immediately he and all his family were baptized" (v 33) I love that... after midnight, he comes to believe in God and is baptized for the remission of his sins and becomes a Christian. Same story over and over in Acts. People believe the message and make the life changing decision to make Jesus the Lord of their lives; they are immersed in the waters of baptism and are added to the church. Everywhere Paul went, the same story.... people heard the life-changing message of Jesus and made the decision to follow Him. Churches were established and grew as the gospel message was taught.
If this is not your story, you must ask yourself why. Why did you not come to Jesus the same way as Lydia, the jailor, Simon, the Ethiopian man, Saul and the 3000 on Pentecost? Are there many different gospels? Are the thousands of churches that exist today a product of people that want things their way? Jesus said "I will build my church". Are you a member of the church that He built or are you a member of a church that someone else built? These are tough questions, but they are questions that each of us need to consider.
Read Acts 2:40-47. Those that were baptized were added to their number and the Lord added to their number daily those that were being saved. Have you been added to their number, those that are saved? If not, don't wait. If you believe in the Lord and want to live with Him eternally, send me a message and I will provide you with the information that you need to respond just like Lydia and all the others did.
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