(Thoughts on Psalm 92)
Psalm 92 is a great Psalm to read when you are feeling like giving up. When life has beat you down and your mind are consumed with negative thoughts, Psalm 92!
Sometimes it seems that the wicked are winning. Those that have no fear of the LORD are prospering, while those that love God are suffering. Our eyes only see the physical and if we are not careful we can "buy into" the worlds value system. If we are not careful, our measure of success can be new cars, new house, fine clothes, jewelry and of course the big flat screen television. I know, because I have been there. Psalm 92!
King David reminds us of what is really important and where real joy is found. Praising God, proclaiming His love in the morning and telling of His faithfulness at night and singing to Him are the proper reaction for His people. Our vision is different than the worlds. The world view places the most value on things and sees people as tools to be used to obtain more stuff. A Christian sees people as the most valuable creation on this earth and seeks to elevate them to their proper relationship with God. So, when we look around at His creation, "we sing for joy at the works of His hands". We recognize that His works are great.
When my son graduated form high school, Michelle and I took our kids to Las Vegas and Yellowstone National Park. Our plan was to let them see the creation of man and of God. We hoped to have some great discussions as we compared the two. As an engineer, I do stand in amazement at the works of man's hands at times, so I thought Las Vegas might dazzle them. It was no contest! Sure the lights were nice and the hotels glitzy, but put along side the majestic mountains, the clear pools of hot, blue water, the geysers spewing steam and boiling water into the air and on and on, no contest! My kids were blown away by the "works of His hands". As David puts it... "the senseless man does not know, fools do not understand". (For me, standing on the cliffs and looking down into the Yellowstone Grand Canyon at the waterfalls, forever changed my view of God's creation)
What is my point? Simply that if we can look at this earth and be moved by His creative power, how much more then when we look at the top of the creative food chain, people! People are His crowning achievement in His creation. We alone are made in His image. Save a tree...sure! Salvation for a person...that's a whole different level of importance. What difference does it make? Psalm 92!
Jesus said that He came that we might have life, a more abundant life. I am sure He didn't have the flat screen television in view when He spoke those words. I think David gives us a great picture of what Jesus offers to those that will lay down their lives and follow Him....
"The righteous will flourish like a palm tree,
they will grow like a cedar of Lebanon;
planted in the house of the LORD,
they will flourish in the courts of our God.
They will still bear fruit in old age,
they will stay fresh and green,
proclaiming, “The LORD is upright;
he is my Rock, and there is no wickedness in him.”
Please, take a few minutes and read and reread those words. That is the abundant life! New house...ok. New car....fine. Jewelry.... so what. Television....give me a break. No, no... true joy, true happiness has little to do with what we posses, but who or what possesses us.
King David had immense wealth, but understood that compared to knowing God and being in His family, it was worthless. He understood that the source of true life, true happiness was found in God alone. The palm tree grows in the harshest of climates, yet it is green when all else around it is brown. True growth comes when we are planted in the house of God and happiness is found with His people. Sure we will get old (I know this), but God promises that we will continue to be productive at any age. I look at my older brothers and sisters that are "planted in His courts" and receive great encouragement as they are surely still "fresh and green". All I know is, I want that for myself and everyone I know and love.
But God is just and so we have a choice, "stale and brown" or "fresh and green". It is up to us. Real joy and happiness with His people, in His courts or momentary pleasure in the world. It is your choice and mine.
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