(Today's reading - Deut. 33-35)
Then the LORD said to him, “This is the land I promised on oath to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob when I said, ‘I will give it to your descendants.’ I have let you see it with your eyes, but you will not cross over into it.” (Deut 34:4)
God takes Moses up to the top of Mt. Nebo and shows him the promised land. I imagine it this way....
Moses is 120 years old. He has wondered for 40 years in the desert. He has cared for God's people and seen wonders that we can only imagine. He has spent time face to face with God and served Him faithfully....except for that one time. And now, here he stands, time has taken it's toll, his eyes are weak, his body is worn out; but God gives him one last blessing. Moses gets to see the promised land. Bittersweet, yes, but comforting at the same time.
He has led the people to this moment of conquest. He has delivered them to the the doorstep of their home. He has dealt with all their unfaithfulness and bellyaching and brought them safely home. I am sure Moses would have loved to place his feeble foot on that blessed soil. I know he would have loved to take off his sandals and fell the lush green grass of the pastures. I know he would have loved to taste the sweet grapes of the vineyards and dipped his toes in the sea. That was not to be. God had other plans.
God had other plans! Joshua was to be the one that would lead the people to victory and take the land. Moses job was done. He received his reward. Sometimes, I struggle with how Moses was treated. I mean, he did so much right and was punished for so little wrong. That is the human in me speaking. That is justice through human eyes. Instead of focusing on my view of how this should have gone down, maybe the best thing is to learn from what did happen. What can we learn from Moses?
Obviously, many things, but lets focus a couple of things that are obvious. (my specialty) First, God is the one who decides. You and I might think differently than God, but His thoughts are above our thoughts. He is in charge. Moses obeyed God and received his reward for it. Sure, in Hollywood version he would have finished the movie and gone into the land. In Gods' plan, Moses would serve Him faithfully and get to home without going into battle. God knows best! His decisions are right. Our wants and desires must play second fiddle to His will. We see in part, but His vision is complete. We must let Him decide our roles in His story. "Not my will, but thy will be done". (Luke 22:42)
Secondly, life's disappointments are temporary, Gods' rewards are eternal. I am sure Moses was disappointed, but his disappointment didn't override his faithfulness to God. It is easy to let this life's struggles and failures rule in our lives. To often, we ask "where was God in that". Moses was able to separate his wants and desires from Gods' eternal plans. We must not succumb to self pity and allow our failures to have the final victory. We must know for sure that God is working things out for our benefit. "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." (Romans 8:28)
May we learn the lessons of Moses and let God be God. He is in control! He knows what is best in every situation. May we allow Him to work in our lives with a view towards eternity. God bless you as you face the difficulties of this life knowing that the reward for our faithfulness is eternal life with Him. He is the promise keeper!
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